When you are not eye-catching, with simple dress, you are catching for the moon. When you stop looking like a horse,make yourself gorgeous and be a lady, the moon is catching for you ! 每个女孩儿都应该看一下 好好爱自己才是正经事
it's so much - 我从高中看到nan goldin的照片就爱上了她11年还见过她本人她在我的那本ballad of sexual dependency上签过字后面就没再太关注直到这部纪录片and she can only be described as a fucking hero所有的创伤、病痛、愤怒、死亡和眼泪都不会击败这个女人去理解她后面为了P.A.I.N的所有作为就必须理解她在80年代的故事真的太值得了